About me – An EFT Coach

An EFT Coach? How I became one…

I grew up in a house where acupuncture and kinesiology were the norm. I first had acupuncture at the tender age of 7 so energy-based therapies have always been part of my life. My father was a Kinesiologist and introduced me to EFT about 20 years ago but at that time it didn’t click for me and it wasn’t until about 11 years ago I rediscovered EFT. Tapping has helped me throughout that time dealing with work and people related issues, family health and wellbeing problems, the triple loss of my father to first to Alzheimer’s and then his death 6 months later, followed a year later by the death of my Mum.

  • In 2015 I completed a Thai Yoga Massage course and whilst I loved doing the massages and saw the relaxation it brought to people, it still didn’t feel as though it brought enough benefit.
  • I love the simplicity, power and effectiveness of EFT. Some deeper problem/geooups/issues have required the help of an experienced coach but I’ve used EFT whilst walking the dog when my Mum was so poorly and I was feeling so lost, upset and helpless (despite funny looks from other dog walkers). The sense of relief and ease that short and simple tapping round gave me enabled me to have a more balanced outlook and to keep going.
  • In Autumn 20, I’d been having a few sessions with my EFT Coach and the subject of training as an EFT Coach came up. It seemed the right time – it had helped me so much over the years, but particularly through 2019 and 2020 – and the time seemed right, so I took the Level 2 training and after 50 case studies, and 2 exams, in June 2021 I became an EFT International Accredited Practitioner.
  • This gives me the opportunity to help people deal with issues they may find more difficult to shift on their own as well as teaching them a simple and effective tool that they can use on themselves and with their families.
  • In December 2021 I undertook my Advanced EFT Practitioner training course and am working through the required practice sessions towards my Advanced exam. The advanced course enable me to help people with deeper issues, still in an incredibly gentle and supportive way.
  • Working with women like me
    • I love working with women who have been through or are going through similar things to the experiences I’ve been through.   It enables me to bring greater empathy to the sessions.  Whilst different things can trigger people in different ways, I appreciate just how tough some of these things are – particularly when many of them come close together.
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